The brief requires a book sleeve design that clearly conveys the message/ themes of the story in an innovative way through typography and or imagery for all book covers shown.
Wonder Concept:
In response to the brief the book cover symbolises the beauty of the main character as a person and how it rubs off onto others through the ‘beautiful things’ falling off the silhouette. The beauty of the main character shines through the darkness of the bullies symbolised by the black within the sleeve.

Goodnight Mister Tom Concept:
This book cover was designed to create a metaphorical combination with the books context and the cover design. Focusing on a bomb throughout the cover to demonstrate the significance of the bombing that took place during WW2 as such events is the spine to this children’s story. Subtle features like the chalk writing on the bomb and the bold condensed san serif typeface that is used throughout the cover are references to the time period the story was set in (WW2 Britain).
Combined with this the new vector styled designs and colours used create a modern and engaging design that in coherent with current trends and themes in current book covers.

The Night Manager Concept:
The X-Ray theme style demonstrates the main themes of exposure of the international arms dealer within the story, Roper. This clean design is heavily conceptual displaying multiple relevant objects that are mentioned throughout the story, two main themes in the story was travel and the exposure of the character Roper, combing these themes was at the heart of my concept to create an engaging yet mysterious cover.

The Uninhabitable Earth Concept:
The broken screen inspiration and theme style demonstrates the books structure and echoes the depth that David Wallace Wells goes into within the story and the different angles of each issue discussed in the book. This clean design is introduces the viewer to what the book is about in a conceptual and unique way alongside introducing the intense read that they are about to experience through the complex style of the broken screen.